Downward Spiral

Before I say anything crazy in this blog, I just would like to say that I'm writing on impulse. Whatever I say in this blog may or may not be true depending on the rate at which things are firing through my neurons.

When I was in senior year in high school, I was very excited about the announcement of student coordinators for the STAP. STAP stands for Student Teacher Administrator Program and it's a thing in our school which allowed carefully selected students to be student teachers and administrators for one whole week. That means those selected students get to teach and do teacher stuff for a week while others stand as student subject coordinators, student principal, student assistant principal etc. Considering that I've been a Filipino student teacher from first year until third year and titleholder of Best Filipino Student Teacher for three years, I thought I would be the one chosen to be the Filipino student coordinator which is a very prestigious title and a title that I've been working for in the last three years. On the day of the announcement, I can't keep still. Somehow, I can feel it. To cut the long story short, someone from the honors class got it while I ended up being chosen to be an English student teacher.

That's my life's definition of a downward spiral. It's like fate shoved me into a blender, threw some fruits in, splashed some milk and made a smoothie out of my hard work and pride. I went home feeling like a total idiot and cried to my mom who never stopped caressing my back until I finally stopped weeping desperately like a lost retard. Two weeks later at the peak of the STA Program, a classmate of mine informed me that the appointed Filipino student coordinator is having difficulty with the job and she wishes that I was chosen instead. Oh well. Life's a bitch.

It's natural for all of us to feel bad when we don't get what we have worked hard and fought for. The story I just shared is the small scale example of that and I've had my share of tears and sleepless nights. I guess it's a whole lot different when you don't just work for prestige but also for money. Let's face it. Money is one of the things that make the world go round and whoever works for money to survive should always be given what's due them. People can surely live without prestige but without money to buy all the things they need? I don't think so.

In a world where technology accentuates the rate at which life is pacing, money is of great importance. This is why people work for money - TO KEEP UP and not just live to do the same things that will never be properly rewarded.

We should always reap what we sow. Otherwise, find another field and sow different seeds.

Impulse transmission slowing.



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