Those Cheesy Chick Flicks

Day 282.

I'm broke.


These past few days, I've been thinking about a lot of things. I guess that's what being broke does to most people. They make people forget about the good stuff. They make people obsess about the things and people they can never have. Sometimes, it even gets me to think about what the afterlife looks like but let's not get into that.

I just have a lot of feelings. That's all.

Right now, I feel sad. I just came to realize that it's been A LONG TIME since I had a great time with my high school girlfriends. Most of them are making a life of their own now and basically, getting wasted on Saturday nights has partially thrown itself out the window or something. I get it. I really do. We have to grow up, right? We can't always drink stuff away and laugh about it till we wake up the next day trying to remember what happened. Along the way, we need to learn to be responsible. I guess I've already started down that road but it just fucking kills me thinking about those golden days, those carefree days when we all had one another's backs and listened to one another's thoughts and emotions about everything under the sun. Like I said, it's been a really long time and most of us have met new crowds, seen new faces and known new personalities. It's inevitable for us to make new friends and hang out with them, maybe fall in love with one of them at some point. Damn! I should really stop watching those cheesy chick flicks about staying friends forever! It's not that I don't believe that we can stay friends. It's just that movies are simply too good to be true. Someday, we're all going to part ways. Maybe even for good. And there's not gonna be a sequel to that story. But the bright side is we get to keep all the good memories neither time nor distance can erase.

And so to these gorgeous ladies that I have the pleasure and honor of calling best friends, MISS KO NA KAYO. EMO NA KUNG EMO PERO SOBRANG NAKAKA-MISS LANG KAYO. GRABE. BONGGANG-BONGGA.

Yeah. Nuff said.


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