3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cross Bryan Mills

Like most of the movies I've watched, Taken is one of those recommended to me by a friend. It's a funny story though considering my friend didn't really know what the movie was called. He told me he saw it while on a bus bound for Laguna. I remember him telling me the whole story and how brilliant the main character was. It would've been helpful if he knew the actor who played Bryan Mills but he didn't so what's left for me to do was to use Google's magic. Eventually, I found Taken and watched it. Of course I was blown away and that's simply because Liam Neeson is Bryan Mills.

NOTE: You don't need to watch Taken and Taken 2 in one sitting. They're not necessarily connected and essentially, the second movie briefly explained what happened in the first one.

Here are the 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cross Bryan Mills.
  1. He's a retired CIA operative. No human being in his right mind would ever try to kill someone from the CIA unless he's an insane terrorist with a grudge. Apparently, those are exactly the bad guys that tried to wipe out Mills and his family wholesale in Istanbul. I can't blame them though because they're blinded by a burning desire to avenge the death of their loved ones but still. Mills was able to kill all those motherfuckers the first time on his own. If I was the master bad guy, I'd think twice before I send my dogs to devour Mills.
  2. He can turn anyone into a superstar agent like himself in less than 12 freakin' hours. So Mills and his ex-wife gets kidnapped by the bad guys in Istanbul right and his daughter Kim decides to stay in the hotel to take a dip in the pool. While in the getaway vehicle, Mills uses his watch and his sense of hearing to trace their destination. Once in captivity, he calls his daughter and gives her a set of instructions to survive the ones coming for her and ultimately, come to save him and her mother. I must say that the grenade technique is just awesome! I don't really know the science behind that but it's totally freakin' genius. Kim practically turned into a super agent just by listening to her dad over the phone. I want some of that!
  3. And last but not the least, he has superhuman reflexes. I really don't know how they train people in the CIA but all those moves and improvisation are just unreal. I know it's just a movie and all but the action scenes are just sick! I mean, incapacitating three people at the same time and two of them with a gun? Who the hell does that?
I am two minutes away from being totally speechless about this movie. I mean, the first movie was just as awesome but there's something about this second installment that makes me wish I was present when it was shot. It didn't run for more than an hour and a half but everything was beautifully packed and presented. This is what I call a no-nonsense action movie. Liam Neeson did it again! Kudos as well to Olivier Megaton and the rest of the cast!

Till next time, movie junkies!


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