The Ultimate Disaster

The better part of me tells me that this is a bad idea.

But just for today, I'd listen to my sleep-deprived, badly hurt other person.

I've always wondered why of all evil powers, we humans were given the ability to lie. I mean, we could've been given the power to control minds, start an earthquake, make volcanoes explode, or something more diabolical but we're not. We were just given the ability to lie. I've always thought that manipulating people into doing what you want or stir disasters would be more devastating. I was wrong. Being lied to—that's the ultimate disaster.

I don't get it. I mean, I'm not saying that I never lie. I'm human too, but I only lie about the stupid things like why I was late for work or why I didn't show up at a party. I take pride on being honest about the big stuff, stuff that I know would wreck people if I ever lie to them about it.

So I go around my everyday life making it a point to be honest. When a jeepney driver gives me excess change for my fare, I give it back. When a co-worker asks me how he/she looks, I'd tell him/her whether or not the homeless guy who sleeps on the gutter downstairs looks better. When my boss asks me why I'm a minute late, I tell her I overslept because it rained. When I meet someone for the first time, I show the person I show everyone on any normal day straight up. No masks. No made-up bull. What you see is what you get.

I guess I'm just this fucking disappointed because I expect a lot from people. Now I realized that just because I'm trying to be a model citizen every single fucking day of my life, everybody else will. The truth is, more than 75% of the people who come into our lives come as a lesson, not a blessing and 75% may have given most of us a fighting chance in high school but this is real life. When you get fucked, you get fucked hard. And bad.

This is a message to everyone who lies about the big stuff for no good reason.

Okay. Maybe you don't mean to hurt anyone by telling a lie. Even already this cynical about a lot of things, I still believe that nobody has the heart or stomach to do bad things on purpose to hurt anyone. We are not made that way. But just do the world a fucking favor and tell the truth about anything every time. Just treat your little lies like little drops of water that cause ripples on a calm sea. No matter how tiny, you'll never know how far its ripples will go, just like you'll never know if and when you've already hurt someone.

I'm not asking for world peace here or for a better government for this godforsaken country. Hell, forget about me even asking.

"Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another."
—Leviticus 19:11

That's enough said.


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