Teacher Stories

from dailygenius.com

Let me tell you four stories.

Story No. 1: Honor Students Only

My mom told me I was a very restless kid who loves getting her pictures taken. From kindergarten to preparatory, I wasn't one of the smart or creative kids. I was the perpetually agitated, vain little girl everyone can count on to throw herself in front of any camera.

It was prep graduation and the ceremony just ended. Our teacher called for us to arrange ourselves for the photo op. I was the first to dash up the stage to the front seats, sat up straight, and practiced my graduation smile. My mom was watching me from front stage, looking very proud of her little narcissistic doctor wannabe. My teacher walked up to me then and said, "Dun ka sa likod. Honor students lang dito." (Go at the back. Here is for honor students only.) I bit my lip, slowly stood up, and did as I was told. I pouted through several shots of that class graduation picture.

When I went off the stage, my mom took my hand while carefully watching my face. She was about to comfort me when I said, "Uwi na tayo, Ma." (Let's go home, Mom.)

After summer vacation, I went back to school and ranked first honorable mention on every grading period from first grade until I graduated salutatorian from grade school.

To Miss B, thank you for that remark. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have bled myself dry through grade school just to prove to you and to everyone that I deserve a front seat in a class graduation picture.

Story No. 2: Would You Like to Try?

I'm a new student in a school that's very different from the school I came from. I had no friends, kept to myself, and pretty much played the nerd. One day, my seventh grade class adviser and Filipino teacher announced to the class that there will be a Filipino essay-writing contest and every class has to send one student as candidate. Nobody volunteered and I kept my head down the whole time. To my surprise, my teacher approached me. She smiled and said, "Gusto mo subukan?" (Would you like to try?) I looked around to see the equally surprised faces of my classmates especially the smart ones. I said yes fearing that I already took too much time thinking about answering my teacher's question.

I joined the contest and unfortunately didn't win, but my teacher told me she was proud of me for trying. She happily read my piece and gave me pointers to improve. She also encouraged me to read stuff by other authors and learn from them.

I got my first championship on writing during my first year in high school in a Pagsulat ng Maikling Kwento (Short Story Writing) competition for Buwan ng Wika. I also won the championship for the same contest during my second and third years. During my senior year, I was sent to an interschool essay-writing competition and went home with the championship. Four years later, on college graduation, I was granted the Lulu Dela Rosa Award for Communication in Filipino Writing.

To Miss T, thank you for your question that sparked my passion for writing and for that motherly smile that told me my being new isn't a hindrance to do great things. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the badass wordsmith that I am today. I just wish I made the time to visit you and show you all the writing medals I've collected through the years. Wherever you may be, please know that you are a vital part of my foundation as a writer and I will continue to make you proud with my works.

Story No. 3: Switzerland

"You are a great leader because you make it a point to remain in the middle of everything, neutral like Switzerland. You don't take sides but you always make sure that you understand the grievances of both. You are the reconciling force between the two groups that always want to kill each other. You have the power to unite people despite their differences. That is your edge. If you become Philippine president someday, I wouldn't have doubted it for a minute."

To Sir L, thank you for believing in me and for always telling me that I can transcend any limit I run into. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have believed in my own power and edge. I'm not really on the politics track right now but with what I do for a living, it's as close as it can get.

Story No. 4: That Difference

"Last year, they were a problematic class. They're restless, noisy, and even rule breakers. They have no respect for authority, no direction, and no ambition. They are pretty much the same this year only more disciplined, more respectful. Little by little, they're taking their studies seriously and getting better grades. Minimal incidence of absenteeism and tardiness. For the first time since I met them, they are united. You made that difference, Teacher Pam. You made them significantly better."

To Sir S, thank you for making me realize that I was doing something good as a teacher when I myself can't see it. Thank you for easing me through the pressures of the job by assuring me that I have a positive impact on my students. Most of all, thank you for not giving up on me for that whole year. It made all the difference in my life.

My teachers mentioned in the above stories are just some of the many who made such great impact on all aspects of my life. I wish I could mention all of them in a single post, but let me just go ahead and salute them all for dedicating their lives in the pursuit and promulgation of knowledge.

To all my fellow teachers/trainers from all around the globe, Happy World Teachers' Day! We know firsthand the sacrifice and amount of work that it takes to do the job. Difficult is a colossal understatement, but the fact that we are still here and still teaching shows that we are the chosen ones—our race's most powerful and resilient who are destined to keep and spread the greatest gift of humanity, KNOWLEDGE. May all the students we take under our wings become instruments of a better future for all mankind. Let's keep rocking and inspiring and change the world one student/trainee at a time. May we live forever!

And now come the pictures.

(L-R) Miss Yulie, Teacher Mezel, Teacher Grace,
and Teacher Johanna. :) #TeacherDays

With Sir Juan and Teacher Grace

With the HSL-Braille College Faculty and Staff :)

Christmas Party with my Shebabies :)

Christmas Presentation Practice

Discovering (and goofing around) Manila Ocean Park
with my Biology students

Cheering Competition 1st Runner-up

Prom with my Shebabies :)

High School Graduation with my Chemistry students :)

Reunion with my Biology students ;)

My First Medical Coding Academy Class

Peace out.


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