How the New Power Rangers Movie Will Morph You Into a Big, Blubbering Blob Drowning in Ridiculously Amazing Nostalgic Fondness (Spoilers Ahead)

I'm not even sure how I managed to leave the movie house in one piece after watching it.

Like seriously.

This is where I cried like a little girl because YAAAS,

Honestly, I don't have a clear memory of the whole Power Rangers series. What I remember though was the 1995 movie where I was in love with White, Black, and Pink Rangers and unspeakably terrified of Ivan Ooze. After watching the movie, I was afraid he'd show up, turn my parents into robots, boss them around, and then make them throw themselves into the nearest cliff. His half-human, half-bird minions are kinda cool though. And Dulcea. OHMYGOD, DULCEA. She's definitely my type of lady warrior.


Apparently, there was another Power Rangers movie in 1997 entitled Turbo, which I would definitely download and watch because POWER RANGERS. 😍

Looks interesting. Watch list ✅.

And now we talk about the newest MMPR movie, which was awesome although there were some Power Ranger-ey things I would've loved to see. But overall, amaziiiiiiiiiing! 😄

Here's How the New Power Rangers Movie Will Morph You Into a Big, Blubbering Blob Drowning in Ridiculously Amazing Nostalgic Fondness (Spoilers Ahead):

No. 1: Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Banks. I didn't do research on the film before watching it, so I was delightfully surprised when I saw Walter White and Effie Trinket in it. I mean, come on.

The Evolution of Zordon: Series x 1995 Movie x 2017 Movie
Rita Repulsa: Then and Now

For relatively minimal exposure in the movie, Cranston did an incredible job being the frustrated former Red Ranger who just wants to get off the wall and stop his green arch-nemesis. As for Banks, who is also an accomplished director, hands down! She may not be the Rita Repulsa of my childhood nightmares who summons giant time-traveling dentures from the depths of denture hell, but she's definitely the new feminine face of heroine-turned-villain awesomeness. Compared to the classic Rita who just does her evil work from her fortress, former Green Ranger Rita is even more dangerous in that she breaks into houses and beats up scared teenage Rangers who can't even morph yet. Banks beautifully embodied a shady and deadly Rita Repulsa who will stop at nothing to get what she wants and destroy her enemies with it. I especially like the green suit with a touch of gold that may symbolize her noble origin tainted with her wicked desire for control and power. I just wish she got defeated more ruthlessly. Getting slapped by a giant robot into space doesn't do her badassery much justice. Other than that, I'm so happy they joined the cast of characters. I hope the Zordon-Rita prequel rumors are true. I AM LOSING MY SHIT AS EARLY AS NOW.

No. 2: The new movie, compared to the 1995 version, is an origin story of five extremely different teenagers who had to work their way towards becoming the next Power Rangers. The 1995 movie opens with the Rangers already friends who go skydiving and roller skating around town in their cool, color-coded everyday OOTDs (and everyone still has no clue that they're the Power Rangers). This is why I liked the approach in the new movie better, which everyone begrudgingly compared to the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club. I honestly don't see anything wrong with the Power Rangers coming together in detention because, let's be honest, heroes without attitudes and bad sides are just straight-up boring. I like how Director Dean Israelite captured the escalation of teenage belligerence nowadays from body-shaming to bullying and incorporated that into a story of five unlikely friends called upon to save the world. I honestly don't get why everyone's losing their shit over the cow scene and Pink Ranger's betrayal of her friend's trust when it's actually a reality check. This is how teenagers roll now and no one's better at capturing that than Israelite. Proof is his debut film Project Almanac, which is also awesome by the way. I also don't get why everyone's complaining about all the drama. The main characters are teenagers. What the hell did you expect? So going back to the film, I think the journey-to-power approach is brilliant in that it exposed everyone's strength of character and it made the morphing scene a hundred times more satisfying.

No. 3: The Zords. I was literally clapping and weeping when the Zords finally came out to the original Power Rangers theme song. A huge wave of nostalgia hit me smack in the face then, and I honestly don't remember being any happier in my entire life. I really have nothing more say. I just wish there's a Megazord assembly sequence like in the old movie. That would've completed the whole Power Rangers experience. But I do understand that the characters in the film were newbies and haven't mastered their Zords yet. Adding an assembly sequence would just ruin everything. I hope the next movie does have one though. I'M SO EXCITED.

No. 4: This isn't really a point. This is just a little message to all the haters who propagate hate reviews all over cyberspace. I agree that the new film isn't perfect, but I didn't go around calling it names and shit. Seriously, stop making unintelligent reviews and a living ridiculing artists and killing their artistic fire.


Final thoughts: (1) I love you, Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Banks. (2) Red Ranger has drop-dead gorgeous abs. (3) I wish I had a friend like Billy/Blue Ranger. (4) To Director Dean Israelite, I am now your official fan. I'd be looking forward to your works, and please make the Zordon-Rita prequel.

I guess that's it.

Peace out.
