To All My Single Ladies and Gentlemen

So I get home from work, kick my shoes off, change into unforgivably tattered (and comfortable) clothes, and sit in front of my computer to waste time on the internet before granting myself my much-needed sleep. I see the usual—pictures of food, vacation destinations, happy couples, weddings, babies of the people I went to high school with, and all sorts of fun that only Facebook can provide. These past few days, for some reason, pictures of happy couples, weddings, and babies dominate my Facebook news feed like Stannis Baratheon's army charging into wildling territory. Not that I mind (or care). It's just that it's one of the things that make me think back my life and try to see where I went wrong.

"Napag-iiwanan" is the Filipino term for this feeling, and this feeling is what people (especially your relatives who are just ridiculously excited to see what your babies are gonna look like) make you feel when you go to basically everything by yourself and when your Facebook photo albums and Instagram account is full of nothing but things that scream, "SINGLE."

In a world where relationships are as big of a deal as Daenerys Targaryen was to Robert Baratheon, life is a little hard for someone like me who is nearing the marrying age and doesn't have a boyfriend, not even a frickin' suitor. Family reunions specially become a nightmare when distant relatives ask where my special someone is and then ask about plans of having babies a dozen beers later. Faking a smile and moving on gets a little harder, too, when everybody starts making a big deal of how I'm the only one among my cousins in our "age bracket" who isn't settled down and raising kids of her own.

Okay. I don't know if it's me or just that all the guys I've ever met are collectively convinced that I'm a dude. Either way, I don't feel bad at all about being single. In fact, all the single ladies and gentlemen out there shouldn't feel bad about being free and independent.

This isn't to say that boys and girls who are in relationships are weak, dependent, and needy. They're actually lucky to find love in this screwed up world where all the good ones are either married, dead, or gay. This is just me, as a single lady, saying that being single is not a mental disorder or any type of infectious disease. We are not a plague everybody should stay away from. We are just guys whose princesses are stuck in a tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon somewhere and girls whose princes are stuck in a tree somewhere or eaten by a lion.

Believe me, I tried getting rid of the single status. I went out with all sorts of lying dipshits who think they're God's gift to women. And what's the result? I'm still here—alone, carefree, baggage-free, and happy. If there's one thing I learned about taking a dip in the dating pool, it's that in relationships, it's always better to feel surprised than disappointed. Play along but never expect. Spend time but never invest emotions. When in doubt, don't. Follow your heart, but take your brain with you. We all deserve someone who makes it obvious that they want us in their lives, not some bitches and bastards who want something to play with to pass the time. Being single is one of the best choices I've ever made in my life not only because it gives me time to work on myself but also gives me all the opportunities to help my family and spend time with my friends.

So dear reader, if you're single just like me, smile and have faith. The best is yet to come.

In the meantime, stay sexy.



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