How 13 Reasons Why is the Most Relevant Young Adult Novel-Turned-TV-Series of Our Time (Spoilers Ahead)
So yeah, it started as another "stupid bandwagon" that I felt obligated to jump into because everyone seems to be losing their shit over it. I'm not really into high school drama, so I shy away from such themed TV series as much as possible. I prefer the TV representation of how fucked up the world is so I watch heavier, jargon-riddled material for leisure. 13 Reasons Why is nowhere near jargon-riddled, but it's definitely one of the heaviest screen gems I've ever watched. Well, the first season at least. #RELEVANT When a former student of mine recommended it, he only described it as "like Easy A but very depressing." I think "depressing" was the reason I decided to watch it, and I'm glad I did. I didn't strongly relate to any of the characters despite all of them having made me feel all sorts of unresolved teenage angst towards everything, but it did give me insight on how much being a teenager has changed over the years. ...