Fire Work

Okay. I'm too lazy to blog anything about our fun trip in Mindanao weeks ago so I guess I'll just rant about the misuse of firecrackers and other Philippine New Year social problems in this blog. But before anything else, I'd like to greet everyone a very Happy New Year. My brains are scattered all over right now so pardon me for a very confusing blog entry ahead.

I woke up to a very familiar New Year noise. Apparently, some children around our neighborhood chose the spot right in front of my bedroom window to play with their newly bought cardboard trumpets. We locally call it torotot. I wanted to throw something heavy at them but since I don't want to end up spending New Year's Eve in a city jail cell for trying to kill somebody's children on the day before New Year, I just went out of bed and started torturing my iPod again by watching movies nonstop. It's just funny how today has been totally ordinary. There was nothing to be really fussed about except the random little explosions heard every now and then. Don't get me wrong. I love fireworks especially the ones used in international fireworks competitions. I love watching the night sky light up with lots of colors. I hate the crackers though. The ones that explode and make you jump up from your peaceful little life. And as if things aren't bad enough, most of our neighbors are really thrilled to have their houses jammed with those crackers. So far, no one has died but I bet I'd hear of someone rushed to the hospital and ended up losing a finger or two later on. It's not really news. Shit happens every New Year and I mean that kind of shit where people go to hospitals with their hands bleeding all over. I'm just glad I'm lucky enough to still have ten fingers after 21 years of existing.

I'm away from all the noise outside but I can still hear loud music and small blasts. My mom's downstairs, busy with preparing New Year food soaked in saturated fat. It's not that I object. I love fatty food especially when it's prepared by my mom! Haha! Anyway, my sister's probably in my mom's room, torching my iPod by watching White Chicks for the nth time. And my brother? I really don't know. Maybe he's at his girlfriend's place. And I'm here in front of my precious laptop writing this entry. I really have no idea why I just shared the whereabouts of my family but whatever. I did say this entry's going to be crappy, right?

Christmas break has been really annoyingly boring. If it weren't for my cousin's wedding held in Mindanao which basically gave us a reason to actually go on vacation, I would've rotted in my bedroom doing the same things for 15 days. On Christmas day, no godfather/mother of mine showed up which means I'd have to accept the fact that I'm already 21 years old and I'm not supposed to be knocking on my godfather's/mother's door on the morning of Christmas day to ask for Christmas money. I should be the one doing that to my godsons/daughters already. Well, the thing is that I don't have a decent work yet. I work on student allowance and the world should understand that I'm not yet capable of financially supporting anyone even myself. Sorry. I'm just bummed about the whole battalion of children who almost broke down our gates on Christmas day just to look for their ninang (godmother) who happened to be me. That sure wasn't just a visit. Good thing my mom handled it while I was hiding in my closet. I'm so going to be a rich ninang by next year.

This just came in. My right leg is bleeding and I'm not even kidding. I shouldn't have scratched that itching thing. Now it won't stop oozing with crimson fluid. Ugh.

Anyway, New Year's coming up and there's only one thing I want to do in 2011.

I want to be somebody so that somebody will pay. It's about time he gets a taste of his own medicine.

I should go. I'm totally hungry.


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