A Thousand Metaphors

Last year, we discussed a poem entitled Bihirang Maisulat Ang Kaligayahan in our Philippine Literature class. It was one of the discussions that I remember the most because it's one of the discussions that totally made sense and it addressed one of life's mysteries - why most people don't write when they're not emotionally stressed.

I'm a writer and most of the time, I write about the misadventures currently happening in my life. When I'm happy, I don't write. I sing or dance or do something that doesn't have anything to do with writing. The poem was actually right. People seldom write about happiness. I remember our cute professor asking why. Of course I didn't raise my hand even though I was too excited to answer. That's what happens when you have a crush on your Philippine Literature professor. Anyway, I took time thinking and ended up asking myself why I seldom write about the happy moments in my life.

Here's what I think.

There are no words to describe happiness the way a million words can describe the opposite of it. It's the same as the feeling itself. When you feel happy, nothing else matters. You just enjoy the feeling while it lasts. Unlike when you feel sadness or hate, everything matters. All the pain from the past suddenly takes the first bus ride to your present just to amplify the current negative feeling. When you feel lonely, you feel like it's the end of the world but when you feel happy, you just feel happy. No more explanations. I guess it's just really more fun to write about loneliness, sadness, hate and anger because there are a thousand metaphors for it and being a writer, I find it really amusing to write with a thousand metaphors. That's how most writers play with words.

Why am I writing this anyway? I really have no idea.

I guess I just want to have a shot at impressing my Philippine Literature professor who might be busy right now and doesn't have time to read about my stupid schoolgirl crush on him.

Anyway, it's my birthday yesterday and it was fun. Although I didn't get some of the things that I expected, I'm still happy. Just happy. No more additional words.

Guess I should just go and pack now. I have a retreat for the weekend.

Bye for now.


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