Ultimate Idiocy

Before anything else, I just want to say it's amazing how a simple person with an idiotic idea about God and answered prayers can send unbelievably sheer rage down my spine. I was about to go downstairs and eat lunch when I came across this video whose link was posted by a friend of mine on Facebook. It was enough to ruin my day. More than enough actually.

Thanking God after more than a hundred thousand lives were taken in a devastating earthquake and tsunami because you see it as a blessing? How stupid can you get?

You're nothing but a hypocrite, whoever you are. I mean, you just posted a video telling the world about how you spend your time in prayer every single day and how you ask God to annihilate the atheists. Real Christians won't even bother doing this kind of idiocy. If you really want God to open the eyes of atheists all over the world, you wouldn't make an idiotic video like this. Instead, you'd stay in your room, pray with all your heart in silence like real Christians do and grieve for those lost lives in Japan while you're at it. Seriously, are you on drugs or something? Japan is a fantastic place to start? With what? With the end of the world? Come on! If the end of the world was coming, I'm sure you'd be one of the first ones to be taken. You think you're being a great disciple of God by doing this? I can't even begin to think how the Japanese would react if they saw this video. They're pretty capable of ending your world with nuclear missiles. They're a kickass people and country.

You need help. Seriously. Professional help.

And please don't talk to God like you're having an orgasm or something. It's sick.


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