5 Reasons Why Pacific Rim is Your Inner Child's Mechanical Candyland

I'm so freakin' excited to write a review right now there's not gonna be a side story to this so here it goes.

Here are the 5 Reasons Why Pacific Rim is Your Inner Child's Mechanical Candyland.

  1. It has big robots. For those who haven't seen the movie, let me give you an idea of how big the robots are. They are so big the big movie screen can only accommodate close-ups of their important features, most of the time the head where the pilots are. And they’re not just big, all right. They’re badass! They’re like the next generation, Tony Stark type of technology badass! If Nintendo ever finds a way to make Jaeger piloting and Kaiju fighting into a video game, I’m gonna burn all our family money just to get it.
  2. It has big monsters. Of course there has to be big monsters to fight the big robots and those monsters, as the biologist in me perceives, are overdeveloped, terrifying, bioluminescent dinosaur mutations. I know that sounded a little scary to you but it’s basically one of the things that made the movie interesting. I have never seen a movie that had monsters that freakin’ huge, so huge I had difficulty making out their body parts while they’re in a fight with the big robots. If it weren’t for their bright turquoise blood, which seems to be one of their defining characteristics, I wouldn’t have known whether they’re alive or dead.
  3. It has mad scientists. I don’t know for other people’s inner children but mine has always loved movies with at least one crazily brilliant character. Pacific Rim even made it better – it had two mad scientists, one specialized in predicting the next Kaiju attack and its possible trajectory and the other in chopping up dead Kaijus to study them. I just wanna say I love them especially the guy who dissects the monsters. He’s so funny.
  4. It has insanely awesome effects. The whole time I was watching, I can’t help thinking about how the movie was even made. I mean, they can’t possibly build real big robots to fight real big monsters in the real Pacific Ocean, right? I guess filmmaking technology has advanced way more than I would ever expect and I’m glad it has. That way no one has to suffer through more than a hundred minutes of mediocre science fiction ever again.
  5. And last but not the least, it has a lot of action. I wouldn’t really say it’s pure action because there were little drama scenes in between but those scenes were purely for the movie’s storytelling. I just found it a little weird that the Jaegers, with all their enhanced and deadly weapon systems, fought the Kaijus with their bare metal fists in the beginning. I guess that’s for building up audience engagement. The good guys have to beat the hell out of the bad guys first before finally slicing them like little fish fillets or blowing them up. Overall, totally kickass.

As usual, good job to the cast, crew and director Guillermo del Toro. I sincerely pray there’s a sequel to this and if it’s not too much to ask, I wanna be a Jaeger pilot. Not really the superstar, invincible pilot. The first-who-gets-dead pilot works for me. Haha!

More to come, movie junkies!
