Cold-Induced Blabber

Today was supposed to be Write-My-Sample-Article Day for a freelance writing job I just got online. I've already chosen my sample article topic and done a light research on it. The words are already in my head all right but I can't put them in the right order. I'm writing this as a result.

The past few days have been sort of fun at least for me. I just got back from a 3-day vacation in Ilagan, Isabela with my family last Tuesday. It was my dad's hometown and everyone basically went all crazy and weepy at the sight of me and my siblings. That only goes to show that my dad really had an effect on those people. During our whole stay there, I heard at least a hundred different stories about how my dad made their lives better. It's amazing how one person can make that much difference. Now I miss my dad even more.

I caught a cold right after leaving the borders of Ilagan City and I believe it was caused by having so much fun there and then having to leave when I haven't had enough. It sucks how reality comes right back to bite people in the face. Indeed time flies when you're having fun.

So I was back to my usual city girl routine - wake up in the morning, check my Twitter feed like it's the morning paper, tweet about stuff I felt like tweeting, take a shower, get dressed, eat, accompany my mom to wherever she has booked for the day, go home and sleep (if my buddies decide to put off a drinking session for the weekend). Things just got a little more exciting after I got my application approved for an online freelance writing job and my very own Kia Sorento which I can't drive until I get my driver's license. I really thought my mom's kidding at first. If I only knew she wanted to buy me stuff, I would've asked her for a new laptop. Apparently, she's in the mood to buy her lazy eldest daughter a new, shiny, silver SUV. Of course there's a catch but whatever. It's not really that hard to get a driver's license.

Anyway, my sinuses feel like roadblocks are taking a vacation on them. I think I'm gonna go chug a whole bottle of orange juice or something before I go crazy.

