An Open Letter to Arnold Clavio

Dear Mr. Clavio,

I'm not really expecting this to reach you one way or another, but I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you how you made me (and the rest of the Filipino community) feel after that little stunt you pulled in your interview with Atty. Villamor.

I'm not really mad at you like everybody else. Mad is simply an extreme term to describe how I felt after watching that interview. Sad and disappointed would be more correct. You really don't have to know this but I studied Journalism briefly when I was in high school and for a moment in my youth, I dreamed of becoming just like you—a respected broadcast journalist. I've watched interviews you did in the past and this one right here—a colossal deviation.

What happened? Were you having a bad day? Or just simply pissed at Janet Napoles that you had to take it out on her attorney?

Believe me, whatever your reason is, I would understand. I'm pissed at what Mrs. Napoles has done too. But if I was in your shoes that time, I would've sucked it up, looked at things objectively, and lived up to the ethical rules of my chosen profession. I would've kept in mind that the person I'm talking to is a professional in his own right and a busy man who has set aside time for an interview; therefore, a man who deserves my utmost respect and professionalism. Not only did you waste your time and Atty. Villamor's, Mr. Clavio. You also made an ass of yourself on national television.

I listened to your interview with Atty. Villamor twice. There wasn't really a reason for you to lash out on him because he was able to give you facts. He's handling Mrs. Napoles' petition for bail for serious illegal detention and is waiting for the outcome of resolution. The rest of your questions he was not able to answer because he is not the one handling those matters and therefore, not knowledgeable. As a journalist, you of all people should understand that your interviewees cannot give you information they don't have. Yet, you kept repeating the same questions using different words and sounded like a detective questioning a prime suspect. Which is not nice for a person who has built his entire career on being an objective seeker and speaker of and for the truth.

I really don't know what to tell you next. I believe I just told you how to do your frickin' job in front of all the faceless and nameless people of cyberspace, which is not something I'm gonna apologize for. You failed a lot of people after what you did especially the bigass company you work for. Whatever they think about this, I have no idea but I'm sure they're just as disappointed as I am.

I'm still rooting for you so get your shit together.

You're one of the hotshot broadcast journalists in this country. Act like one.

A Concerned Netizen


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