Post Storm

I think this is the perfect time for me to tell you that the first ever job interview of my life didn't go too well. I was too confident and too cool. I answered the questions of the interviewer with too much honesty and I really didn't care if the interviewer would find my answers indifferent and unprofessional. While my fellow interviewee poured her heart out in the interview and served the interviewer with exaggerated information about her college life, I didn't even bother answering the questions with highfalutin words. Two days later, I received a rejection e-mail from the company. I cried and felt totally stupid.

It took me three solid days to get over that rejection. I sent text messages to my friends telling them that I'm going to commit suicide if no one replies. That time, I was desperate to have someone to talk to. I've never felt downright crappy in my life. I'm not going to say that it's my lowest point but it's definitely one of the days that I will perpetually hate. Good thing one of my friends replied to my little self death threat and told me that it's the damn company's loss. After consuming one whole big glass of saging con hielo, I started to feel better and life definitely moved on.

Funny things happened after that.

Two call center companies vied for my communication skills while I got my eye on a school that is in need of teachers. Everyone was practically all over the place trying to get my attention and just to shut everyone up, I sent my resume to the two call center companies and personally attended to my teacher application. A week after I applied to the first company I ever applied to which eventually rejected me like a faulty piece of equipment, I found myself inside a classroom answering a series of questions meant for people who studied to become teachers. It wasn't really that bad. I honestly enjoyed answering the exam which really didn't contain anything that has something to do with analyzing stuff. After exiting the gates of HSL Braille College on my application day, I felt the nervousness that I never felt when I was in my first job interview. Paranoia broke down the gates of my calm mind along with the questions that suddenly popped out like mushrooms.

What if they reject me? What if I don't get in because I'm not an education major? What if I'm not qualified? What if they don't want a Biology major in their school? What if they find someone better than me?

It was a crazy myriad of self-conjured mental disturbances.

And I realized just now that it was all worth it.

The following day after I took the exam, a text message made its way inside my inbox informing me that I'm expected to come Monday for the demo. Mutation was the topic assigned to me and it should be good for one hour. I spent my whole Sunday planning for my demo and as if I'm not already blessed with so much opportunity, my aunt referred me to a teacher in Braille who is more than willing to share with me the inside information about teaching demos and lesson planning.

I'm not going to keep this long because there are no words to describe the happiness I'm feeling right now. Earlier today, I did my demo in front of more than ten teachers and the directress of HSL Braille College. After my demo, the directress asked me to proceed to her office for the post-demonstration interview. The interview went pretty well. I was neither too calm nor too indifferent like the first time. I practically poured my heart out in the interview and pretty much impressed the highest ranking officer of the school. Right then and there, she hired me and sent me to my training.

One of my friends told me that there's a reason why I was rejected in the first company that I applied to and that is there's something better coming for me. I guess I'm really not in the position right now to say that teaching is better than being a call center employee but between the two, I would definitely choose teaching because it's something that I know I can be happy doing.

So this is what it feels like to finally have a first job.

I'm ridiculously excited for the second day of my training tomorrow.

And for all of this, there's only one person to thank.

Thank you, Kuya. You're the best.


  1. Congratulations Pam! I'm glad to know that you are absolutely feeling very happy about this new chapter in your life. I really hope you keep writing in the pages of your life. (yech, feel like an old person). happy me pam sa bago mong tatahakin! GOODLUCK and HAVE FUN!


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