On Food, Getting Married and Having Kids

Day 254.

Okay. Now I'm just blogging to make up for the days that I failed to blog, those days when I'm busy running around the fast-paced streets of Makati looking for a job with a decent pay. Now that I landed myself with such, I have all the time in the world to rant about it.

Well, not really rant. I can't really say anything bad about the company I'm with right now but there's a little bit of a hiccup with the pantry food that looks and sometimes tastes like it's been recycled for at least five times. I even got a terrible stomachache once after eating a serving of what they called beef curry. I've also heard a couple of horrible stories from my co-workers and let me tell you, those stories scared the hell out of me. Nonetheless, there's really no choice. My lunchtime isn't exactly within the store hours of fast food chains around our office's area. Besides, I don't have that much dough to be picky.

Speaking of food.

Food has been my greatest struggle the past week. After my almost-heart-attack episode, everyone's been guarding what I put in my mouth both at work and at home. It's only during the past two days that I was allowed to eat meat. The days before that have been my own personal torture chamber. If it wasn't for work keeping my mind off things, I could've sworn I felt like a narcotics addict going through withdrawal. I used to joke, "Ayoko ng gulay! Hina-high blood ako dyan!" and laugh my ass off but I guess things are getting pretty real now about my health. It's going to be really hard trying to change old habits but it's way better than dropping dead one day and losing forever the chance to get married and have kids someday.

Speaking of getting married and having kids.

I can't help feeling bummed about not having a boyfriend sometimes. My sister has a boyfriend, my brother has a girlfriend, even my mom has a boyfriend and I'm the only single person in the family hanging around like the lone electron in a hydrogen atom. Sometimes, I wonder if there's something wrong with me. Do I come off too strong? If I try to tone it down, do I turn out too perky? I mean, I get that I'm not hot and everything but I do believe I'm interesting enough to get a guy. Oh I don't know! It just sucks to wait for that guy who'd inspire me to write my own love story. I have crushes here and there but one of them has yet to make the move to change my relationship status. I just hope I don't die on him when he finally decides to get off his ass and ask me out. About getting married and having kids, of course I want it. I do sometimes fantasize about being the best wife and mom ever. I just hope I meet my groom-and-husband-to-be soon but preferably after I'm done getting wasted on Saturday nights with my best girlfriends. Haha!

Okay. I'm officially out of things to talk about.

I'm gonna go torch my eyes with movies now.


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