A Door and Ten Windows

So I was sitting yet again in front of my sister's laptop, reposting stupid yet funny stuff on Facebook, and tweeting everything that comes to mind when a friend from way back suddenly messaged me with what seemed like a practical joke to me at first.

"Have you ever questioned what life is all about?"

It took me half a minute to decide whether to answer her properly or not. In the end, I rode on because thinking back, I know this former high school classmate of mine to be serious about serious stuff. And so I answered, "All the time actually," which holds a little bit of truth. I question stuff. It's just that I don't dwell on them too much and I really can't care less if I get an answer.

From there, we started exchanging opinions about the current situation of the country. Surprisingly, I was in the mood to respond because apparently, the logical and patriotic region of my brain was finally in full function after being dormant for months (I would say because of alcohol and nicotine abuse). I told her what it felt like to be unemployed for half a year and how I feel about the country in general. I actually thought she was conducting a survey so I apologized for excessively cursing while describing my feelings towards my dear motherland the Philippines. She laughed and told me to curse all I want (which I didn't do because I felt like I've already lost my cursing momentum). When she asked me what I thought was missing, I said, "Discipline." One topic of conversation led to another and we ended up talking on the phone. I was glad to finally use our landline. I never thought it would ever be of use. Since the advent of mobile phones, I've always thought of landlines as obsolete pieces of technology. Just sayin'.

This is the part where I don't tell you guys about what we talked about on the phone. For one, it's a very important matter that concerns not only the future of our generation but also the future of our Lupang Tinubuan and I am notorious for jinxing important stuff. Secondly, there's a little bit of our personal lives in that sparkling cocktail of a conversation (probably one of the best conversations I've had in months). And last but not the least, I don't want whatever it is that we talked about to be thrown off to the public half-assed. It's really something serious and paradigm-changing. And again, I don't wanna jinx it by telling.

"When God closes a door, He opens a window."

Okay. Whatever this is that has a door and a window, it's definitely something that has at least 10 windows in my case. Just last week, God decided to wake me up with a cold, hard slap across my infatuated puppy-dog face and slammed the door on it. It hurt but looking back, I'm glad He did because if it weren't for that painful experience, I wouldn't feel this high and optimistic about life. This may sound cheesy but I'm absolutely telling the truth - I'm finally sure that I have something to live for, that I have a purpose.

I'm not really sure if this made any sense but whatever. All I'm saying is I'm ready for anything. Tanggap lang ng tanggap basta Ikaw.


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