For Tomorrow is Never Guaranteed

What I'm about to say is not for the purpose of sucking up to one of my former Microbiology professors who also happened to be my thesis adviser back in college. (Hi, Sir EQ!) HAHAHA!

Anyway, besides the bloodily Latin-named microorganisms and the unspeakable dangers they can cause and spread like wildfire to everyone else in the world, Microbiology taught me something very important - the little things matter.

Honestly, I really don't consider myself busy these days. I would say I just got myself another routine but compared to the unemployed routine I've been killing myself with for the past six months, I like this one better. I actually have something to feel good about myself and the best part is it has something to do with two of the things I love - medicine and writing (in this case, typing because you know, everyone's all techie these days). Our English instructor told us that we're not just medical transcriptionists, we are MEDICAL LANGUAGE SPECIALISTS which to me sounds like drug emperor or god of the living and the dead. Sorry. My previous job titles weren't as badass.

So I've been spending my weekdays dissecting and transcribing dictations from American physicians and on weekends, I help out my former students with their research, read a book, write, annoy my mother by laughing like a hyena over something ridiculous or simply watch movies and series on my sister's laptop. I guess I'm taking a long break from the wild, remorseless, nightlife merrymaking that has incredible capacity of rendering me temporarily needy and stupid.

Going back to the little things.

Sometimes, we get so busy with our lives that we tend to forget about the little things. We forget about going to church, kissing our loved ones goodbye before we leave for school or work, telling our friends how much they mean to us or simply taking the time to figure out how we can be a blessing to someone for the day. For a now busy working gal like me, it's hard to make time for people I haven't seen in a while so every opportunity for hangouts is like God's little slice of heaven. Last August 9th, I had a hearty piece of heavenly cake.

Believe me, I have no idea why I felt the urge to write about our little get together last time. I guess I just realized a very important thing about making time for the people who are important to you. And I'm gonna stop now 'cause everyone who reads this is gonna think that we're "together" and I'm gonna have to answer a lot of questions from those people. HAHAHA!

I guess all I wanna say is thank you for yet another memorable bonding moment. I love you.

This goes out to all my busy guys and gals out there. I know we have to make a living and all but it won't take too much time to bond with the people who matter to us. We should make the most out of it and tell them all the cheesy things that they may or may not laugh at.

For tomorrow is never guaranteed.


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