A Hellish Outburst of Stuff I Can't Say Out Loud

Please bear with me.

The world is full of delusional morons who believe that the world owes them something.

So I have an uncle who screwed up his life right after my dad gave it to him. My dad bought him a fucking car just to fucking get himself to school. To gracefully repay my dad's goodness, he knocked up a girl, married her, and forgot all about school because love is just a difficult thing to put off. He ended up struggling to get a job because he doesn't have qualifications. My dad couldn't stand seeing his little brother crawl through the mud, so he gave him a home and a job—ALL FOR FREE. Now that may dad's dead, he's going around telling everyone that his big brother left him something. I wanted to laugh. Newsflash, dude! This ain't one of your ridiculous Pinoy telenovelas! My dad's money died with him and I bet my life that up to his last breath, he would never have thought about leaving you anything. Your piggybacking upon your big brother's success is now buried six feet underground. You want it back? Then go dig up my dad's corpse and bring him back to life, you useless, good-for-nothing douche!

People exaggerate for two reasons: (1) they want you to believe them and (2) when you do, they're gonna use you for their own gain.

My mom is friends with a lot of people and almost 85% of those motherfuckers conspired to bury her under a mountain of problems after my dad's death. All of them presented to her like they're the best in their fields, only for us to find out in the end that the asshats didn't have fields. They exaggerated their stories and made my mom believe that the opportunities they presented to her are real. And now, we're at their mercy. We are close to losing everything we ever had and all those "friends" of my mom are going around spreading rumors about how we're going down soon. The saddest part is we're already in too deep, almost no way out. The only thing we can hope for right now is for karma to hit soon and hard.

Between skills and money, money has better chance of making you look good.

I'm not a regular employee yet so I'm struggling with handling and controlling my money. When I got home today, I asked my mom if it's okay with her if I pass up on the "household contribution" this one time because I'm planning to invest my money on something. As usual, she flashed me her signature, double-edged, WTF face and said, "Where are you going to invest it?" It cut through me like diamond on glass. I held my breath, summoned what's left of my energy to smile, and said, "Never mind. I'll give you the money later." Before any of that conversation happened, she happily told me that my sister already stocked the fridge. Another monumental loser moment for me.

Some people are like vampires—they're ridiculously attractive, which allows them to manipulate others into being their delicious meal.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it—while there's still a part of me that has faith in humanity, some sons of bitches are just wildly opportunistic. I'm gonna use my mom's friends again as examples. They're nothing but pretentious, little cannibals waiting for the perfect time to pounce. I really pray that someday they become vampires—attractive, manipulative, and NONEXISTENT.

Every day is a fucking zombie apocalypse. We just don't have a good enough excuse to start shooting useless, parasitic asshats in the head.

When the real deal comes, I'm gonna go crazy. Gotta stock the armory.

Time to sleep this fucked up feeling off.


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