That One True Passion

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
—Kurt Cobain

At one point in our lives, we all went through the wanting-to-be-someone-else phase. Some of us wanted to be the hot cheerleader every boy in school stumbles after. Others wanted to be the brainiac who's so frickin' smart he doesn't have to try at all. If you ask me, I wanted to be both—smart and hot. I used to think that if I ever achieve that "dream", I'd rule the campus. Everyone would kneel before me and beg me to be their friend. At a very young age, I wanted that much attention. Now that I'm no longer that young, I realized what a colossal waste of time that was.

I had a talk once with my one and only sister about how different we are. Obviously, she's the girlier one and I'm the dude. Generally, between us, she's the one who cared about impressions. She dresses appropriately and knows how to do her own makeup. I, on the other hand, don't give even the littlest bit of shit about what other people think. I sometimes even go to work without combing my sorry excuse for a hair. Aside from the fact that I'm just too lazy to make myself look good for others, I just don't dig that kind of stuff. I only dress and paint my face if I absolutely have to and it's not negotiable.

I'm not gonna lie; there was a point when I wanted to be my sister. My friends and co-workers tell me to my face that she's a lot prettier and more charming. No argument in that considering the boys check her out every time we go to the mall. Her brand of charm is different from mine in a way that hers attracts more instantly. Some had already told me that I was charming but in order for a person to see that charm, he/she has to go through a labyrinth of filters that comprise my guard I'd like to call trust issues. Also, my sister has a great eye for what's hot and what's not. Mixing and matching clothes, accessories, and makeup come easily to her like second nature. She's the only person whose opinion I trust about how I actually look in certain clothes. I'd say that's her talent.

My sister once told me about how sucky it is not to have a talent. She told me that all she has is a talent for fashion while her big brother and sister have talents for a lot more serious deals like music and literature. I wanted to lecture her right then and there about reveling in who you are, but I chose to just annoy her by laughing.

So I guess here it goes.

Between the two of us, you're the more sound mind. If this was Game of Thrones, you'd be Ned Stark and I'd be Robert Baratheon. You're the cautious leader who thinks stuff through before doing anything and when you do, you get it done. You stand by principle rather than instinct, and you always look out for the good of the many. You are determined, courageous, and have a deeper sense of family. While you go around trying to save the world, I'm the douche who sits back and waits for things to get done by you—my hand. If you put it into the context of Game of Thrones, you're actually of more use than I am.

I know it sucks to try something that goes incredibly awesome in your head and then turns out to be a serving of crap when you actually do it. Here's my advice—don't try doing anything that's not commanded by your passion. Writing about my life and my ideas is my passion. That's why I sound "smart" in my entries. If you ever find it in yourself to blog about something, make it about something that drives you (i.e. FASHION). Just remember that you are as talented as anyone in this world. You just have to find that one true passion.

I'm starting to sound cheesy now so I'll just end this right here.

PS: That "Tita" is not worth it. With that arrogant, bitchy attitude, I bet somebody already decorated their basement with her head.

PPS: It's okay. I'm a mutant too.

PPPS: I love you. You're the best sister. And you have yet to take me out to eat. How many paydays has it been?



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