To My Personal Promised Land

Day 173.

Today is the day I'm moving on.

Before you recoil in disgust and distrust, let me just tell you first and foremost that this entry isn't about moving on in the context of love and relationships. Please. Even the colonies of E. coli that live in my toilet know that there's no way I'm getting out of a relationship because I'm not in one. I'm moving on with my life as an adult. Yeah. I've finally accepted that after a long debate with myself about whether or not I'm ready to leave the land of rainbows and unicorns that is my youth. After putting myself through the nightmares of job hunting and public transportation, I say my little Wonderland is over. It's time for me to journey to my personal Promised Land.

I got my credentials today thanks to my mom's unending support. Even though it wasn't really a walk in the park for me getting that piece of gorgeous paper many call a diploma, I felt utter happiness and fulfillment after my fingertips made contact with it. I was smiling like an idiot while making my way back to my sister who's meeting with her org mates near the Medicine building. Finally. Something big (literally and metaphorically) that has my name on it. I kept thinking to myself, "I HAVE A DEGREE, BITCHES!" while making faces behind the backs of those undergraduates oblivious of my silent victory. My days as a student are officially over. With my diploma, transcript of records, certificate of graduation, Quadricentennial medal and Lulu Dela Rosa award, I'm ready to face whatever's waiting for me out there. BRING IT ON, WORLD! I'M EFFIN' READY!

Now that I have all those things to put myself officially in the workforce, I have to say I'm a little nervous. I'm about to embark in a completely different career path from the one I've initially taken which is teaching. I'm not gonna lie. I do miss my students and I miss being in front of a class and telling them about the world. But as I've said, I'm moving on. They'll always be a part of me though and if God mandates, I'm completely willing to return to the profession. For now, I'll have to work for my family especially for my mom who has sacrificed so much for me. It's my turn to give back.

I gotta go now.

NHO at 8 AM tomorrow and I shall not be late.

Good night y'all! God bless!


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