Sanity-Shattering Noises

I'm currently torn between getting work done and stuffing myself into a hole to escape all the motha-effin' noise. This is what I hate about living in a compound; even if you don't want to, you have to put up with everyone else's business on a daily frickin' basis. Right now, all I can hear are metal grinding noises drowning out casual conversations of my hungover uncles and cousins. At times like these, I wish there was a way to temporarily deactivate my sense of hearing.

I went to school yesterday and practically got a lot of work dumped on me—which is great. That only means I'd have something to do with my life for the next couple of days and make my mom believe that I'm actually "working" on something. When her mind's off things, she'd be all up on my grill asking about what I really do which I find funny. Sometimes, she'd even sound like she's accusing me of making up my occupation. I understand that though because medical transcription is not a big thing in the Philippines. Well, not yet. And so whenever my mom asks, I always tell her the whole deal (sometimes, I end up lecturing her about it). She just nods and pretends to understand and that tells me she's gonna ask again sooner or later. Which she always does.

I wanna make something clear here before I take a shower and find a way to write my modules. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION IS A REAL THING AND BEING A MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST IS A REAL JOB. If you don't believe me, go ahead and Google it.

I know this entry didn't make sense. I blame it all on the sanity-shattering noises.

Gotta go.
