To My Unprofessional Ex-Boss and Everyone Else Who Can Relate

I watched my dad run his bigass company for fifteen years. He was quite the boss - strict and serious when it comes to work. Everyone, myself included, was afraid of him when it comes to stuff that should be taken seriously (in my case, my studies). But I could swear in his grave that never did I see him yell at one of his employees on the production floor. NEVER.

Earlier, I was with my mom at SM Bicutan to run some errands. We went to eat late lunch at the food court. My mom went to get us a table while I waited for our food so I was at the counter (or stall, whatever it's called) with the girl there preparing our order. Then another girl showed up and stood in front of the cashier. She was wearing the same uniform as the girl inside. While her co-worker was getting the drinks that I ordered, the newly arrived started yapping. It took me almost two minutes to realize that she was yelling at her co-worker to get her shit together and call the guys at the back to assist. "Ayos ah! Petiks lang pag may time?" the girl whose whole existence doesn't scream MANAGER arrogantly said. (I'm sorry but she doesn't look like one, okay? Managers are mandated to look presentable and she didn't.) The girl inside the stall (or counter, I don't even care anymore) kept her head down as she handed me two paper cups filled with Coke. The other girl just kept bitching until one guy from the kitchen finally came out to get my payment and give me my change. I can say that was the most excruciating five minutes of my life.

My head is in absolute chaos right now because what I just told you reminds me of what happened to me in my previous job.

I was yelled at by my boss.

Full-blown telling off.

In front of God and my teammates.

On the production floor (where basically all the employees under the program are).

While I was talking to a customer who's upset about her data plan.

And then I spent my 15-minute break crying in the bathroom like a baby.

I felt for the girl, all right. Nobody deserves to be treated like that especially someone like her who was smiling the whole time she was taking, preparing and serving my order and generally not screwing up. I would understand if she was spacing out and shit but she was practically doing a great job. And then this girl comes along, who looks nothing like the boss or the manager or whatever, and yells at her in front of me. That's wrong on so many levels. And unprofessional. Especially unprofessional.

If I had my sister's guts, I would've told the girl to know her place and lectured her on the essence of the saying, "There's a time and place for everything." But I didn't. So I just took the tray and sped off to where my mom was like a scared kitty.

To that girl whose name I didn't bother asking because her attitude towards her co-workers annoyed the hell out of me, you're the one who should get your shit together. If there was anyone in that stall (or counter, I give up) who wasn't doing anything, it was you. It wasn't your place to boss everyone around because you're not the boss. But if in case you are, you can always hunt me down and slap me with your credentials. And that I honestly doubt.

To my ex-boss who took a chunk of my dignity by reprimanding me out loud on the floor like I'm in a frickin' inquisition, know that I've already forgiven you but you will always be one of the people that I pray I won't ever see to my grave. Like they say, people come to your life for one of two reasons - they're either a blessing or a lesson. You are definitely a lesson, learned and buried in the darkest depths of my memory. May you realize the gravity of your words the next time you encounter "cases" like me. There are wounds that time can never heal completely. Please don't go around lashing out on people who don't deserve it. And if you ever find yourself in great need of lashing out on someone, do it where it should be done. We're civilized people now, you know.

I don't know yet how it is to be a boss but my being a teacher, I can say, made me feel like a boss one way or another. I'm proud to say that in the year I was a boss of the classroom, never did I yell at a single student in front of everyone. That's how my dad did it. Even in anger, he was rational and I took that lesson with me. Not only was I able to make my students trust and respect me as their teacher and confidante but also to make them realize how appropriateness is important in real life. I've always told them that they don't always have to be right; they only have to be good and with that, they can never go wrong.

I'm really glad that's finally off my chest. The whole drive home, I was on the edge of bursting like a bubble.

This goes out to everyone out there who has experienced the same thing.

P.S. I recommend you guys watch Horrible Bosses. It's guaranteed to make you feel better. *EVIL LAUGH*
