The Demoralized Dreamer

Day 32.

The "seize the day" part of my New Year's Resolution hasn't been going pretty well so far. Sure I've been putting up with some stuff I promised to do at the beginning of the year but there are just things that I can't simply accomplish. It's situational in some cases but in others, it's just my godforsaken attitude. That's the beautified term for my laziness.

So far, the only thing that I can't seem to get tired of doing is writing. When I write, everything is all right. It's like I'm entering a magical world full of hot princes, candy canes and unlimited French fries. It's the only thing that I can do that nobody finds dumb or flawed. It's the one thing that I can truly say I'm awesome at. But as the old song goes, "Even heroes have the right to bleed."

My ongoing story entitled Angels and Devon is currently on hiatus and I really feel bad about it. I missed an update this week because of all the stuff going on at work and everybody going nuts and already trying to rip everyone's throats. Stress is simply everywhere and on top of that, I just decided to jump on a grenade my mom just threw out into the open. In layman's terms, I'm going to pay some of her unbelievably bigass debts with my mundane salary. Believe me, I wanted to pack my bags, run away and marry an old, rich guy who would happily pull our family out of financial misery but since I love my pride above anything else, I stayed and kept my mouth shut.

I have dreams, so many dreams I don't know which to pursue first. I guess this is what the world does to dreamers - it makes them believe that everything is possible and then shoves them into a situation that will completely demoralize them to death and eventually, stare them in the face with a ridiculously wide grin that says, "Better luck next time." And the worst part is, someone has to come along and tell them it isn't over and then the whole thing starts again.

Seize the day. Yeah right.

I hope this drama will pass.


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