The Guillotine

Day 40.

I once thought being an animal is a lot easier than being human. I was once a Biology student and I've studied in detail the anatomy, physiology and behavior of most animals be it invertebrate or vertebrate. In the animal world, there's only one rule - ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE. The big bosses of the wild take over the land resulting into the slaughter of others that are just too small to fight them off. One lives and another dies. No big deal. It's just the law of nature. In the realm of beasts, there are no rules. Nobody would care if you played dirty. Nobody would cry at the loss of one. There's no system besides the order at which an individual dies or gets killed. It is a world where everybody has their own thing and nobody could say shit about it. There's no emotion, no attachment and no complication. It's the life of only one goal - SURVIVAL.

In the human world, things are a lot different. Everything has a system. Everything has rules. It's a world where everyone needs to survive without sacrificing another. Sacrifice in the realm of humans is called murder regardless of the status and strength of an individual. The big ones are always being forcefully leveled with the weak. The human law says no one should take advantage and no one should kill. No one should live for oneself. Everyone should always strive to coexist in harmony. Everything should be done according to the words of the book they call constitution. Restrictions are just everywhere. In the quest of the human world to liberate mankind from the things that pain them, they all just end up sticking their heads in the guillotine.

Honestly, I'm not really sure what I'm driving at right now. Maybe I just want to say that I hate rules. Well, not really all of them. I just hate the ones that don't make sense and let's face it, our screwed-up society is just studded with countless nonsense rules that nobody bothers to follow. In the past, I've broken a lot of rules that I find ridiculous and stupid but I've always made it a point to follow to the letter the ones that deserved to be called rules.

I just hate how things are just so big of a deal right now at work. If I was a lioness from the animal world, I would've jumped up on everyone, ripped their throats out and ended this once and for all. Unfortunately, I'm from the human world and that just won't work.

My brain just stopped working.

I gotta go.


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