Bob Story

Day 9.

I've always had a little problem about the very manly deepness of my voice. People whom I've talked to over the phone said that I sound like a grown-up man. Some people even swore that they thought I was a man when they heard me talking with their backs turned. I can't say I'm totally insecure about it. I actually think it's one of the things that make me unique. Besides, I owe my awesome Jaya-esque singing voice to it. It's just not nice when people laugh at you sometimes for having the voice of King Xerxes in the body of a normal female.

One of the first people I've talked to during my first days in college was a nice, sweet girl who goes by the name of a hard liquor. After she told me what her name was, one side of my brain wanted to ask if she had a nickname which obviously is shorter but I didn't ask for the fear of offending her or something. At the end of the day, we got along. We had a lot of things in common. Like me, she loves the small, seemingly insignificant things that normal people ignore. She's also a writer, a bookworm and a music and movie junkie. My quiet side clicked with her personality without much difficulty. Sometimes, I'm not a fan of her mood swings but overall, she's one of the best and most loving people I've known in my life.

My experience of talking to her for the first time always reminded me of how deep my voice was and that's primarily the reason why I started this blog with a paragraph about my voice. She asked what my name was back then and I told her. I took her nod as a gesture of getting it. During the middle of the first semester, she finally admitted to me that she thought my name was Bob (instead of Pam). She didn't ask for the second time because she thought I'm going to get angry and never speak to her again. All I could do was laugh at what she said because every time I hear the name Bob, I always think of a man with a big belly and a beard. For a moment, I imagined myself looking like it.

Anyway, it's been nine long months since I last saw her. Although we keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter, I still can't help missing her and wanting to hear from her personally. I've always thought of her as my little soul sister and she's one of the people that have made a great impact on my outlook in life as a person and as a word warrior.

And so, this is to that little girl with a big heart and a bright future ahead of her.

Happy birthday, Margarita! I wish you all the best in life and God bless. Have a good one. I love and miss you so much. BIG BEAR HUGS FROM BOB/PAM!




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