My Dream Class

Day 12.

Today I got to sub the class of one of my co-teachers who was absent because he had to rush his wife to the hospital. At first, I really didn't want to because the period where I was assigned is already the start of my freedom time at work. But instead of complaining like a lazy citizen who only cares about how messed up things are, I just signed the substitution form and went to the class of I-Daniel after my Chemistry class in III-Timaeus. The kids from I-Daniel had ridiculously big smiles plastered across their kiddie faces when I walked in. Everyone enthusiastically stood up and greeted me good afternoon. After I asked everyone to take their seats, I asked one of the students about their present lesson. Everyone seemed so hyped up and excited to hear me speak. When I started discussing the lesson about the parts of the animal cell, everyone was practically all over the place trying to get my attention. Everyone wanted to participate and answer the questions I was asking. Although there are some who are plainly uninterested, most of the class wanted to learn. Honestly, I wanted to shed tears of joy that time. Now I can say that finally, I've entered my dream class.

My professor in Philippine Literature back in college once told us about his dream class. His dream class is the class full of students that are always raising their hands to prove or disprove something about the lesson. A room full of brave souls that would stand up against one another's opinions. In other words, a class whose students are present to learn, not to play. When I was standing in front of I-Daniel earlier, I felt like a Science professor teaching eager students about the truth behind the Theory of Natural Selection. While I talked, everyone listened intently. After I was done talking, some students raised their hands to ask a relevant question. After question-and-answer, the others raised their hands to recite and I get to explain things again. It was as easy as breathing and for the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed while doing my job.

Today, I can say, is one of the days in my teaching career that I will hold close to my heart. The students of I-Daniel are not really under my care as a subject teacher and I don't know all of them like their adviser does but their faces are engraved in my mind. By what they showed earlier while I was standing and talking in front of the chalkboard, they made me feel respected and honored as a teacher.

Today was an incredibly fulfilling day for me.

And I'm looking forward to entering more of my dream classes.
