The Cup's Full

Day 25.

Today I can say is the day my "teacherhood" became complete because of a painful episode of yelling at one of my students during Biology time.

I'm an amateur when it comes to controlling anger. When I'm angry, I always make it a point to stay away from anything and anyone to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. In my 22 years of existence, I haven't been that angry with anyone so bad somebody got hurt. In other words, I don't know exactly what lies at the end of my so-called patience.

I guess my cup just got unbelievably full earlier I had to spill the excess in the form of a reprimand. Looking at the eyes of my humiliated student, I wanted to apologize but I kept my cool and held on to my authority as the master of the class. Although I undeniably felt bad for teaching him a lesson the harshest way possible, I definitely don't feel sorry for doing the right thing. Sometimes, delinquent students need to have a taste of their own medicine so that they'd learn to choose the proper drug.

Anyway, life has nothing new to offer me these days. Aside from the news of my co-teacher's upcoming wedding this March, nothing exciting, life-threatening or scenery-changing. I just want all of this to be over so I could go back to the right track to my real dreams.

Two more days to the weekend.

That is if I would have a weekend. Ugh.
