The Old Days

Day 10.

I just realized three seconds ago that I haven't been using my cellphone for its primary purpose for the last 28 days already and I feel like the world is going to end because of it in the next 25 minutes.

I've never felt so loser-ey like this ever in my life.

I used to be a major text addict. That's because back then, I had a lot of friends who are also text addicts. We used to talk through text about a lot of things that don't really help in the betterment of humanity like boy bands and ten-twenty (that jumping-and-whatnot game that involves the use of a long garter). We even gossiped using text messaging about the girls that we hated in school. It was a lot of fun and the secret stayed within the text gossiping circle. But with the advent of new technology that produced big portable screens you can actually press buttons on, text messaging gradually died down. Mainstream communication now takes place in the internet through social networking sites whose giants go by the names Facebook and Twitter. I communicate with my friends through those sites now and seldom use my phone. I guess I just miss the habit.

I just want to say that my cellphone finally got loaded today and I intend to make those credits rot in my phone for the next 30 days. Everyone seems to be so busy with their lives that they can't even send a single text message asking if I was still alive. Well, I guess that's what human advancement does to personal connections.

I'm not being emotional or anything. I'm just missing a lot of people and if you're one of them, expect a text message from me tonight. Just like the old days.

That's all for now.

Middle of the week tomorrow. I can't wait for the freaking weekend.
