Bum Squad Version 2.0

Day 15.

My laptop's battery finally gave up on me today. I was in the middle of watching Thor when my laptop suddenly shut down and won't open again. I wanted to panic but I just slept it off. After waking up, I removed my laptop battery and just operated on power mode. I guess it'll be this way until I can buy a new laptop.

I'm sort of excited to go to work tomorrow basically because it's payday and I won't be technically working my ass off due to the third periodical exams. I would just be sitting around watching students shed what's left of their brains into their test papers. It was kind of fun watching them suffer. I feel like I've already avenged my mental slaughter when I was a student like them. Of course I'm kidding.

I'm feeling weak and disoriented right now. Maybe because I just slept all day and didn't do anything that has to do with work considering I spent almost my whole night last night checking papers. It just sucks that I only enjoyed one of my supposed-to-be two weekends. I guess that's life.

I gotta go now. I feel like my brain is going to detach from my brain stem any minute.
