Three Missing Pieces

Day 19.

Unfortunately, the world conspired against me for the past three days resulting into the missing pieces of my supposed-to-be 366 blogs for 2012. I really feel bad about it but when the internet connection in our home fails, everything fails so I guess I can't do anything about that. I'm just going to give a quick run-through on the past three days that I've been absent in cyberspace.

Day 16 was my first ever payday in the Year of the Water Dragon. I was really psyched about getting my pay envelope because for the first time since I became a teacher, my canteen credit did not reach 500 pesos. I did a great job in controlling my desire to visit the canteen often which apparently slashes over a thousand pesos in my paycheck. I'm proud of myself for that and as a little treat to myself and to my sister who never fails to remind me about my responsibility to her as her ate, I took her to Market Market, bought her a manual calculator she's been dying to have for like forever and dragged her to the movie house to watch the second installment of Sherlock Holmes. Overall, day 16 was a great day. Even though I practically burned out all the contents of my pay envelope, it's all worth it.

Days 17 and 18 revolved around my work as a teacher. Test papers needed to be checked never seemed to run out like water flowing in a river. However, I still managed to hold tight on my promise of change. I attended to all the teacher stuff like it's something I'm meant to do and forgot all about my responsibilities as a writer. Also, days 17 and 18 are full of drama. I'm not going to elaborate because it will be really tricky to explain and it's not really that interesting so yeah. Forget it.

Today was a fun-filled day because it's the opening of the sports fest. I've always been an advocate of sports so I was practically all over the place coaching the kids and everything. It was fun although exhausting. And I really didn't get reprimanded today so yeah. I guess that's it.

I really want to talk about a lot of things right now but I really have to go since I still have teacher stuff to do.

Godspeed everyone!
