
Day 8.

I woke up at 8 AM and prepared to take a shower when my mom entered our room and started telling stories with me and my sister. Since my mom's good vibes days are very rare these days, I jumped into the conversation with great enthusiasm and forgot all about the shower momentarily. The bonding session was primarily about the old days when my dad's crazily obsessed with the birth of his firstborn which happened to be me. My mom said my dad was acting all psycho when she was pregnant with me, buying her all the food and stuff that she didn't really ask for. I was laughing because the way I knew my dad, I never thought he could be that excited about something. I found it cute and everything and my sister was laughing as well. When I was born, according to my mom, my dad just won't leave me alone. He kept staring at me like he's seeing the moon for the first time. The moment my mom delivered me to the world, my dad just won't stop fussing about how I look like him and how I would change the world by inheriting his face and intelligence. If only I understood back then, I would've laughed my ass off like I did earlier while my mom was telling the story. My mom even said that my dad back then always volunteered to sterilize my nursing bottles and always went home with a big can of powdered milk like he's feeding two dozen babies. Well, those were the fun days of my youth that I wish I could remember with my own brain. I love my dad and I miss him terribly. How I wish I could talk to him now, drink beer with him and tell him about the ridiculous end of the world theory.

I finally took a shower after the bonding session and faced my laptop to get rid of the one annoying item in my to-do list once and for all - test questions. Maybe the best way of doing what you're supposed to do while saving a lot of time is to not really over-analyze. I've been a big analyzer for most of my life and that made things complicated for me. Even a simple task of washing the dishes I used to weigh the pros and cons of. Yeah. I'm so goddamn weird. But I guess this is what New Year does to a 22-year-old who wants to change for the better in the Year of the Water Dragon. Anyway, I finished all three test papers within seven hours, leaving me with a lot of time to bum around and fantasize about the reactivation of my love life in the coming days. But instead of doing so, I continued to do a lot of stuff that I left lying around after I just decided to dive into the Christmas madness of last year. I actually still have some things to finish after this so yeah.

I just can't believe that I can impose this much discipline on myself.

I've been asking my students about their New Year's Resolution and they gave me about 1,001 resolutions that basically sound the same and would probably be untouched and unchanged for 2013. I told them I only had two resolutions - DISCIPLINE and the Latin phrase CARPE DIEM (which basically means "seize the day"). Discipline, for me, is the summary of all the bite size resolutions that people normally take mental note of while Carpe diem speaks for itself. Whatever I want to do now I vow not to do tomorrow because tomorrow might be too late. I honestly am having trouble with seizing the day because 24 hours seems to be so short for someone like me who wants to do a lot of stuff, most of them pointless but I find totally potentially fun and undeniably life-threatening. It surprises me a lot that I'm not having difficulty dealing with the discipline thing. I just hope it doesn't run out like gas leaking out of its tank.

My brother and his friends just opened their small food business outside our house. Everyone was practically all over the place preparing everything. My brother looked exhausted already in the first five minutes of operation but I know he'll get used to it. He asked for all of this after finally dropping school. But all the same, I'm proud of him and I wish him and his friends a great journey into the entrepreneurial experience. Cheers to GND Grill and Diner!

And I just want to say that my sister's boyfriend brought her half a dozen Gonuts Donuts during dinner. I'm so effin' jealous. Good thing the sugar in the donut which my sister happily gave me is enough to make me forget I've been single for like five years. I'm such a loser.

I guess that's all for now. I still have teacher stuff to do. DISCIPLINE. DISCIPLINE. DISCIPLINE.

Another manic Monday tomorrow.

God help me.


  1. "And I just want to say that my sister's boyfriend brought her half a dozen Gonuts Donuts during dinner."

    sino yan pola?


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