Finally Growing Up

Day 11.

Right now, I can't think of anything but the annoying pain in my feet. Thanks to my sister's pair of shoes that she just decided to give me since it doesn't fit her. I hate this feeling. I hate my murdered feet and my incoherent thoughts right now.

Nothing really special happened today. I just bought and ate a lot of stuff from my brother's newly opened food business like I'm going to face the firing squad tomorrow. Work is exhausting as usual and all the ranting about the issues concerning the school just adds up to the almost unbearable stress. I just hope everything clears out soon so that everyone could work in peace and harmony for the last few months of the academic year.

I just started treating my planner like a coloring book last night. For the first time in my life, I felt the unbelievable elation of checking the little boxes beside the tasks in my to-do list after accomplishing them. For everyday in my planner, I put like a thousand things to do so that the space would be maximized. I've already done some of them and I'm on getting the others done. I can't believe I'm actually this organized now. I used to be so unsure of what I want to do. I'm finally growing up. I just hope I don't slip out of the rhythm again.

I officially have nothing to add to this entry anymore so I guess I'll just get my ass into checking my students' assignments so I could have a restful weekend.

Ciao everyone! Weekend's almost here!
