First Episode of Writer's Block Version 2012

Day 7.

This is what happens when you're trying for the last seven hours to write something. My lower back hurts, my head is messed up, my stomach feels funny and I feel like I want to throw up. For the last couple of hours, I've been staring at a document in MS Word that contains the first chapter of my second story. And then comes nothing. Just the oxygenated blood pulsating through my cranial blood vessels.

I feel crappy.

In the hope of eventually assembling the right words together, I stopped forcing my head for a moment, laid down and watched House in my laptop. It was no help. It just worsened the block like a blood clot threatening to erase the beautiful memories of my childhood.

I feel like my digestive tract is going to perform antiperistalsis in two minutes.

I have to go now.

This sucks.
