Hormone Riot

Day 13.

I ate a total of three sunny side up eggs today and I feel like my heart is floating in a bowl full of animal oil. My stomach is jumping like a dolphin leaping out of the water and my overall feeling is really not that good. I hate red alert days if you know what I mean. I don't understand why only women had to suffer this kind of inconvenience once a month.

My head is so messed up right now. I tried concentrating on getting what's left of my work done when I got home but I can't since it's already Friday and I should be watching a movie with my sister. On second thought, I can't watch a movie with my sister as well because I'm just so freaking broke.

Okay. My hormones just started a riot inside my system and I feel like I'm going to crash any minute.

I must go now and vow not to eat junk foods for the next seven days.

And I just want to say that one weekend will be taken away from me again.

Working on a Saturday sucks more than the lamest movie I've ever seen.
